Mouse and Cheese Gif Loop
Made for a motion graphics project. I designed the mouse and cheese in Adobe Illustrator. Using Adobe After Effects I created the movement of the cheese and mouse, then I used Photoshop to export the gif.

Icon Transformation  
Made for a motion graphics project. The piece is meant as a practice in keyframing, pacing, and motion graphic transitions. 
I designed the assets in Adobe Illustrator, using Adobe After Effects I created the motion and exported the piece using adobe media encoder.
Music Used - Claire Rosinkranz - Backyard Boy 

Sound Visualization   
Made for a motion graphics project. The objective is to create a short animation that brings a piece of music to life for 12 seconds. 
I designed the assets in Adobe Illustrator, using Adobe After Effects I created the motion and exported the piece using adobe media encoder.
Music Used - Black Swan - BTS

Kinetic Typography  
Made for a motion graphics project. The objective is to create a short story animation that brings a piece of audio life using kinetic typography and simple graphics.
I designed the assets in Adobe Illustrator, using Adobe After Effects I created the motion and exported the piece using adobe media encoder.
Audio Used -  Frasier - Ham Radio

Kinetic Storytelling  
Made for a motion graphics project. This piece was a practice in emotional storytelling using kinetic typography and simple shapes. The story I chose to convey was about coping with the loss of a loved one and the journey of greaving that one must embark on in order to heal. 
I designed the assets in Adobe Illustrator, using Adobe After Effects I created the motion and exported the piece using adobe media encoder.
Audio Used -  "If Tomorrow Starts Without Me" attributed to David Romano and read by Tom O'Bedlam. Song by Mattia Cupelli

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